Her er en forklaring på årsagen til autisme, som du måske aldrig har hørt før:
"Autism is the result of non-verbal receptors of the dolphin-whale kingdoms in the brain of a human. Such a mixture is the result of the creation of the “mermaid” species by the Anu scientists. Autistic children will have a direct inheritance back to the mermaids and mermen bred in Anu laboratories.
Such humans that are born autistic are without verbal language skills in the brain, and as such, they are not understood as the parents and teachers along with medical staff do not know how to communicate telepathically or non-verbally. Dolphin and whale form is a non-verbal species; they are fully conscious and aware but speak to one another telepathically."
Læs mere her: Spiritual School of Ascension
H.C.Andersen var vistnok den første der kom ind på at der kunne være en sammenhæng mellem havfruer og mennesker med autisme.
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