Jeg er så glad for teori at jeg af og til skal minde mig selv om at det er praksis der tæller. Hvad kan jeg helt konkret gøre her og nu for at bakke op om datterens udvikling. Crinker har et par bud på det i "Unstrange Minds" selvom han tydeligvis også er mest optaget af teori:
"Joyce and I concluded that ABA, Floortime, Rapid Prompting and many of the other named therapies that have been formulated in recent years shared a fundamental strategy that could be called simply "in your child's face." It means you don't let your child withdraw for very long, that you engage him as much as possible, pushing him to interact with you, however much he may resist. It also means that you follow your child's lead, playing with his toys when he plays with them, and even turning his face to yours to promote eye contact."
"Our main strategy for helping Isabel to learn is to prevent her from staying too focused on a single idea or behavior, so it might seem contradictory that we'd go to the trouble of continuing her obsession with Monet. What we really wanted , however, was to keep moving with the topic rather than allowing her to remain fixed in one text or wiewpoint."
"Within a year she started taking early morning French classes at our local elementary school, and she surprised everyone........It was a bit like speech therapy, since the children were being taught how to make simple conversation in pretend social settings, and I could see the changes taking place in Isabel. Few experts would even suggest that a child with autism study a foreign language. But I recommend it. She applied the lessons learned in French class to new situations, at home and in public."
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