07 april 2008

Hvor svært kan det være?

Til /many som kommenterede nedenfor og til alle andre der spændt følger med i min føljeton om integration/inklusion i folkeskolen af børn med asperger og autisme, se lige hvad jeg tilfældigt faldt over:

"The word inclusion seems to conjure up all the worst images for many professionals. It, like it's predecessors, mainstream and integration, has different meanings to different people. The first thing professionals tend to do when they hear that they are going to be asked to change is to have a meeting. Then they go about defining the extent to which they will have to change. They then deliberate and try to outline the process they will have to follow in order to comply with rules. Meetings like this tend to be long, drawn-out affairs where it is impossible for everyone to agree on the exact nature of what they're doing."
Læs resten: Inclusion af Pat Linkhorn - de andre artikler på hjemmesiden er bestemt også værd at læse.

Lige nu sidder de i Børne- og Ungeforvaltningen i København og prøver at definere inklusion på en (ny) måde så det er til at realisere.

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